Choosing the right cage for your pet is not to be taken lightly, as airline companies have the right to deny the departure of your pet if it considers its cage too cramped, or if it does not comply with IATA standards:
- Manufactured in rigid plastic
- Have a metal grill door with centralized opening
- Two dishes secured to the metal door
- Assembly of the two parts (upper and lower) with screws and bolts
- Ventilation on all sides of the cage
- Be made of any other material apart from rigid plastic or solid wood in some cases
- Be assembled and closed with clips
- Provided with an opening at the top of the cage
- Have wheels
The cage brand Vari Kennel or Vari SkyKennel is one of the only brands accepted by all airline companies, so to avoid going wrong, it’s advisable to buy this brand of cage.
If you buy a cage at a pet shop or on Internet, it would be best to ask for advice before making your purchase, as sometimes it’s indicated that the cage is IATA-approved, when it’s actually not.